So, the 1st grade class has a fun little thing where each week a different child is honored as the "Star Student". During that week, they get to be line leader, teacher's helper, and on Friday, they get to bring some things in and tell the class some things they want to share about themselves! How fun is that? In addition, they get to bring home the 'class pet' for the week... a koala named Waffles! Along with the stuffed toy, they also get a journal to write and draw pictures about all the fun things they did while Waffles stayed with them! I love this time they can celebrate being 'special' as an individual in the class.
So, naturally, I had to celebrate my 'Star Student' too! Monday's lunch was 'star' heavy for the occasion.
Lunch - Cheese quesadilla 'stars', cucumber 'stars', strawberries (stars cut out of center), chocolate coin, and some sour cream/salsa for dipping! Snack (below) - Red pears, carrot coins (with star cut outs), and peanut butter. 
For Tuesday, I went a little more subtle. I thought that this was also a time to celebrate some of the things that make my little 'star' so special! One of her absolute favorite things is owls... ALL things owls! So, let's do an owl lunch, right?
Lunch - Peanut butter & Trader Joe's cookie butter on a toasted bagel, Swiss cheese accents, and in the bottom tier, frozen yogurt owls, spinach, and strawberry hearts. Snack - Veggie straws, and CLIF Kids fruit twist (and a little Lunchbox Love).
I know inquiring minds want to see this fella, Waffles, too, so here is a picture from the journal on his first night with us!
In these lunches...