Saturday, March 17, 2012

Happy St. Patrick's Day

I've seen this one on multiple sites, so had to give it a go myself. What a great project this is! Not only is the activity fun and the results awfully cute, but you can eat the leftovers! It seems like a winner to me. We always used to do potato stamps, but this is so much fun too. Maybe it would be a neat idea to use multiple veggies to stamp with and later make a potato salad out of them. Hmmm..

shamrock patrick's day craft

Although, we snacked pretty heavily on the bell peppers, we still did manage a more proper lunch for St. Paddy's Day later on.

Patrick's day shamrock lunch
Avocado, Shamrock sandwich with sharp cheddar cheese and smoked turkey with mustard, Lucky Charm's marshmallow hats, cucumber, lime Jello with whipped cream and green grapes.

In this lunch...


  1. Super cute idea. Love that you put avocado on the sandwich. Very festive! Found you from pinterest!
