Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Johnny Appleseed Day

John Chapman, better known as, Johnny Appleseed, was born on September 26, 1774. In honor of the man and his journey west, this day is Johnny Appleseed Day. We celebrated both with an apple lunch and also with apple projects as an extension of the pre-preschool group she is part of, who just happened to have apple projects yesterday in class! You'll notice that we packed this snack style lunch in our Dr. Sears Nibble Tray by Zak Designs! That's because we might have a new review and giveaway coming up.. soon... And while you have Johnny Appleseed in mind, be sure and check out some more fantastic themed lunches from some more talented Bento Bloggers here!

Pumpkin & sunflower seeds, Brown Cow vanilla yogurt, apple gummy, Braeburn and Ginger Gold apples, apple shaped red peppers, apple shaped cucumber, crackers, Babybel 'apple', and a gummy worm. 

For more of those fabulous Johnny Appleseed lunches, travel on over to Bento Bloggers & Friends by clicking the graphic below! Have fun!

In this lunch...


  1. This is just so cute! And you even have a Johnny Appleseed it!

  2. Love the Babybel! And that was a genius move with the Blue's Clues dude ring!

  3. I love the babybel cheese apple too! what a clever idea :)
