Thursday, November 15, 2012

"I Am Thankful For..." Blog Hop

The BBF's are at it again with a fun blog hop. This time, it is all about what we are thankful for in honor of the upcoming holiday. I figure I can go about this a couple of ways. I can go practical and funny. I mean, right? Of course, I'm thankful for toilet paper and the Internet. I could go the serious route. I'm thankful for a roof over my head, running water, decent food.. But, the truth is that when someone asks me what I'm thankful for, cheesy or not, my mind goes without hesitation to my daughter. Period. But, more than that, is being thankful for family in general. How do I portray such intensity into a lunch? I don't. But, I can still achieve a simple lunch about 'family', so that is what I did! I hope you all have wonderful things to be thankful for. Laugh at some of them, perhaps shed a tear at others, but remember to put into perspective the things that you are most thankful for and embrace each and every one!

Kiddo's lunch - PB&J Mama and baby, Swiss cheese letters, red and green grapes, strawberry hearts, cucumber, and carrots.

Daddy's lunch - strawberry hearts, Super Salad with kale, cucumber, blueberries, edamame, sunflower seeds, and carrots, mama, daddy, and baby sammies with smoked turkey and Swiss cheese.

Now, hop along to the next fantastic bento blogger, JDaniel4's Mom, to see what she is thankful for, and how she created a lunch all about it! Be sure and continue through the hop for lots of wonderful ideas. And, THANK YOU for stopping by! Have a safe and happy Thanksgiving!

bento blog hop

In these lunches...


  1. I love your family! What parents with hearts are amazing!

  2. ERMAGERSH! I love the baby sammies!!!

  3. Adorable love the little hearts and letters, I have tool envy does it show?

  4. I love your parents and baby sandwiches! Cute and touching!

  5. Love, love, love the baby sandwiches!!

  6. Your toilet paper comment made me laugh out loud as I imagined turning that into a bento. I think your family bentos are just precious!

  7. Love your family lunch, very cute and meaningful!:)

  8. You are right that it really is all about family.

  9. Very meaningful post! The family sammies are adorable.

  10. Great lunches! And toilet paper is high on my list, too ;)

  11. Love the family lunch, n all the hearts make a great finishing touch. :)

  12. I love the little sammies! They're adorable!

  13. So cute! Those strawberries are perfect!

  14. You & daddy look happy tossing your little on in the air!! Special!

  15. Love the mommy and me sammies. So cute!

  16. Lovely lunch and very lovely post.

  17. Oh the little baby is so sweet... and the lunch sounds so yummy!

  18. Lovely family bento :) And yes!! I am so thankful for toilet paper and the internet!! And chocolates too!

  19. Such a sweet idea!
