Thursday, July 25, 2013

Veggie Tales Lunch

Let me say that I thoroughly love and hate Veggie Tales all at the same time. I have my reasons. We'll leave it at that. Either way, they sing catchy tunes (sometimes ones that get lodged in my brain for weeks.. perhaps one of the reasons I loathe/love them) and send a good moral message, and kids love them. The fact that they are made of, well... vegetables just makes them look literally good enough to eat. So, why not eat them for lunch? Sure, yeah, the kid will have to bite Larry's head off and eat Bob's 'guts'. Eh, all in good fun (and nutrition), right? Right!

Veggietales bento
Grapes, Swiss cheese (Bob) and turkey pepperoni on whole wheat toast with mustard, Sweet 100s out of our garden, and a Persian cucumber (Larry) with candy eyes.

Some of my fellow bento blogging pals have also been bit by the VeggieTales bug, and are biting back! Be sure and check out these fun VeggieTales lunches they created.
A Boy & His Lunch - Veggie Tales Bento
Becoming A Bentoholic - Veggie Tales Jonah - VeggieTales Bento
BentOnBetterLunches - Veggie Tales
Keeley McGuire - A Very Veggie Tale
What's In Our Lunch Bags - Veggie Tales Larry & Larry-Boy (and more!)


  1. ahhh!! LOVE your lunch! You did such a great job with the details.. I need to make a Veggie Tales lunch ones of these days! :)

    1. Thanks! Course I've been singing .. oh where is my hairbrush.. all afternoon!

  2. Oh, I love it!! I did one awhile back, too, but it was before my tot had really seen any of them. I should totally do another one now that my little one is getting more into Veggie Tales. We just finished watching Lyle the Kindly Viking!

    1. (Just have to say -- Lyle is one of my favorites!!! I love that little guy!)

  3. So cute! Every once in a while I'll pull up my Netflix and see that John has done a marathon of VT (he uses my account on his ipad and his dad's on his ipod -- we always know what he's watching!).

  4. Adorable!! I love VeggieTales....Kidlet and I were singing Barbara Manatee the other day hehe
