Monday, January 27, 2014

Something's Fishy

Okay, so something is fishy.. and I'm not talking just lunch. I've been missing in action for some ridiculous amount of time now, and it's about time I did some explaining. There has been a lot going on in our world as of late. I promise that we've still been eating lunch and trying out new recipes over here, but sharing them, that's another story. Bear with me. We'll get back in the groove! I promise.

Anyways, if you follow us on Facebook, which you should.. hint, hint... you will have seen one of the things that has happened recently. We sold our house!! Normally, that would mean dances of joy and exciting times on the horizon, but for us, while we were thrilled to finally sell, the dances of joy were a bit more subdued. The purchase happened fast (if you've dealt with a cash buyer before, you know how fast it can go), and we hadn't even begun to look for a new house, so with little time to get out and nothing of our own to call home, we are staying with my mom while we look for a house. We are fully moved into her space house as of last Friday. She has been wonderful, but I'm ready to move out... yesterday!

The rest of what's been going on will have to wait for another day, so stay tuned. I can tell you that we have a big birthday coming up this week! Very exciting! In the meantime, I'm actually posting a lunch! Happy packing!
Fishy Lunch
Tuna fish salad sandwich with cheddar, grapes, Goldfish crackers, and cucumber 'fishes'.

In this lunch...

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