Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Happy New Year 2013

I hope everyone had a wonderful New Year's Day with family and friends, or at least doing what you love. So far, it's been a great year for us. Okay, so it's only been a half a day in or so, but still. It's a nice thing to say, and I hope to continue the sentiment long into the year. I'm determined this is 'my' year. It's the year of the snake, and since I'm a September babe, that's me!

I don't typically make resolutions. I think about making them, then either feel too much pressure to complete them or a failure for not. So, no resolutions this year. But, what I will do this year is try and relax. I don't mean that I'll quit my job or stop cleaning the house or let the kiddo eat candy for breakfast. What I do mean is that I will try to pay attention to what really matters and enjoy those things over all else. I feel like if I can remember that rule, the other things I want to accomplish fall into place a little easier too.
2013 new year easylunchboxes
For kiddo - Cucumbers, cantaloupe, turkey and provolone sandwich, orange vanilla yogurt dip in the 'champagne glass', and cherry fruit leather.

2013 year of the snake bento
For daddy - Turkey and provolone sandwich, cheddar/mozzarella cheese stick, cherry fruit leather, broccoli, cherry tomatoes w/ veggie dip underneath, Hanukkah gelt, and a couple Christmas cookies.

In these lunches...


  1. Very cute! This reminds me that I need to order a snake stuffed animal before Chinese New Year!

  2. Lovely lunches! Thanks for linking up!
