Thursday, March 8, 2012

Something Simple

I find myself feeling very inspired by all those fantastic bloggers out there, but then there are days I just want to quickly pull a lunch together and hang out on the couch with my kiddo! Maybe tomorrow will be more exciting. What I will say is that this is the first time I've tried a sandwich thin, and for the first time I didn't have to roll or flatten bread. Bonus!

applesauce bento lunch
This lunch has Trader Joe's veggie straws, mozzarella cheese, applesauce, cucumbers, salami, and 1/4 soy BLT w/ mayo and mustard on a wheat bread sandwich thin.

In this lunch...


  1. Great lunch! What did you use for the heart in the applesauce?

  2. Thanks! The heart in the applesauce is just more applesauce. I saw some variations of this on other blogs over Valentine's. I stuck a heart shaped cookie cutter right in the applesauce, scooped out the inside of it and I used a bit of cherry jello powder to tint it and then scooped it back in. Slowly slide the cutter out and there you have it! Will try this trick again and again with foods like this I think. Easy peasy! :)
