Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Happy 4th Birthday!

Well, it's here. It's official. I have a 4 year old. Since it's a Tuesday afternoon, it's just us girls running around town. We'll hit the children's museum, stop for cupcakes, and run a few places that will be fun. This evening, we'll be going out to eat to The Bavarian Inn. Not only can we celebrate our German heritage, but that place is just so neat to eat at and visit all the shops, too! The official party isn't until Sunday, so today is just about having fun and enjoying our time together. I can't think of a better way to spend my day than with my smart, fun, beautiful 'big' girl!

birthday easylunchboxes
Salad with lettuce, tomato, and red bell pepper, Russian dressing in the container, whole milk pear yogurt with sprinkles, grilled cheese 'cake' sandwich, mini marshmallows, and a mini 3 Musketeers bar.
Bento of the Week Winner
In this lunch...


  1. Happy birthday to your sweet girl! I am in love the super cute birthday cake lunch as well as the cute picks!:)

  2. Happy Birthday Zoe!!!!! Such a cute lunch! :)

  3. Adorable lunch!!! Happy Birthday Zoe! :D

  4. So pretty, what a lucky 4 year old! Happy Birthday Zoe!
